Thanks! #FSC46GC
Dear Lasallians,
Greetings from the Eternal City.
With this message we close our news coverage of the 46th General Chapter of the Brothers of the Christian Schools.
We would like to thank all of you who, from the Regions, Districts, Educational Ministries and Universities, have made it possible for a large part of the Lasallian world to get informed and feel involved in this historic milestone for our Institute. We are proud to notice the quality, the love for La Salle and the good coverage that all of you have provided. Thanks very much indeed!
The work of these five weeks has been a co-production between the Communications and Technology Service of the Generalate and the Communication team of La Salle University Mexico, whom we really thank and acknowledge for their invaluable contribution to the communications of “La Salle Global”.
And to you, who have contributed enormously from the Regions, Districts, Educational Ministries and Universities, we wish to say THANK YOU! Your excellent collaboration continues to engage us in the task of spreading the Good News of the Gospel to the world of education by means of Communications. We will soon announce plans for coverage of the III AIMEL (October), the Symposium of Young Lasallians and the Assembly of Young Brothers (November), as well as other gatherings to be held in Rome such as the CIL – Program for Formators (September).
We are proud to work with you. Please share this message with whoever it may concern.
Ilaria, Giulia, Fabio, Daniel (MX), Mijhail (MX) and Alexánder FSC
Communications and Technology Service Team,
Generalate – Rome