From The Rule of the Brothers of the Christian Schools:
112. Constituted to represent the whole Institute, the General Chapter has been since the days of the Founder the ultimate expression of the communion that exists among all the Brothers. It perpetuates among them the living fidelity to the special charism of the Institute.
Responsible for the whole Body of the Institute, the Chapter is qualified to undertake in its name a periodic evaluation of the life of the Institute, to provide for its continuing adaptation and renewal, and to set out the main guidelines for future action. In addition, the Chapter elects the Brother Superior General and the Brother General Councilors. It has the power to take all suitable legislative and administrative measures that concern the establishments and members of the Institute.
113. An ordinary General Chapter is held once every seven years. It is normally convoked by the Brother Superior General.
If because of exceptional circumstances, it is not possible to hold an ordinary General Chapter at the end of the seven-year period, the Brother Superior General has recourse to the Holy See for a temporary prolongation of his mandate and that of his Councilors.